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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10561839"

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(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 

International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
10 July 2003 (10.07.2003) 


(10) International Publication Number 

WO 03/056345 Al 

(51) International Patent Classification 7 : G01N 35/10 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/KR02/00703 

(22) International Filing Date: 17 April 2002 (17.04.2002) 

(25) Filing Language: English 

(26) Publication Language: English 
(30) Priority Data: 


24 December 2001 (24.12.2001) KR 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): I-SENS, 
INC. [KR/KR]; 447-1 Wolgye-dong, Nowon-ku, 139-701 
Seoul (KR). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): CUI, Gang 

[CN/CN]; 19 zhu Minghui-wei, Xinxing-je, Yanji, 

133000 Jilin (CN). KIM, Ju-Yong [KR/KR]; 528-6 

Wooman-dong, Paldal-gu, Suwon, 442-190 Kyoungki 
(KR). KIM, Moon-Hwan [KR/KR] ; Ma-dong 501-Ho 
Dongwon Apt., 363 Gogangbon-dong, Ojung-gu, Buchon, 
421-190 Kyoungki (KR). UHM, Jung-Hee [KR/KR] ; 
174-29 Jangwi 3-dong, Seongbuk-gu, 136-143 Seoul 
(KR). NAM, Hakhyun [KR/KR]; #101-206 Hanyang 
Apt, 133-1, Beon 3-dong, Kangbuk-ku, 142-063 Seoul 
(KR). CHA, Geun-Sig [KR/KR]; #4-207 Cheongwoon 
Apt., San 4-25, Cheongwoon-dong, Chongro-ku, 110-030 
Seoul (KR). 

(74) Agent: LEE, Won-Hee; 8th Fl., Sung-ji Heights II 642-16, 
Yoksam-dong, Kangnam-ku, Seoul 135-080 (KR). 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, 

AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, 
CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, K, GB, GD, GE, GH, 
GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KZ, LC, LK, 
LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, 
MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, 
SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, 
YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. 

[Continued on next page] 





(57) Abstract: There is provided electrochemical biosensors with a sample introducing part, comprising a sample introducing pas- 
sage, an air discharge passage, and a void. The sample introducing passage communicates with the air discharge passage, and the 
void is formed at the point of communication. Also, disclosed is the electrochemical biosensor with the said sample introducing part 
and a fluidity determining electrode. 

WO 03/056345 Al 11 111 « II HUH I II 1 11 111 111 111 11 Nil 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), 
Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), 
European patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, 
GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent 
(BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, 
NE, SN, TD, TG). 


with international search report 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 

WO 03/056345 




The present invention relates to electrochemical 
5 biosensors. More particularly , the present invention relates 
to electrochemical biosensors with an enhanced sample 
introducing part; the sample introducing part comprising a 
sample introducing passage, an air discharge passage, and a 
void, wherein the sample introducing passage communicates with 
10 the air discharge passage and wherein the void is formed at 
the point of communication. The present invention also 
provides a method for determining the fluidity of blood 
samples utilizing the said sample introducing part. 


Periodic monitoring of blood glucose levels is needed 
for the diagnosis and prophylaxis of diabetes mellitus . The 
conventional analyzers for detecting the level of glucose in 
20 blood are strip-type analyzers based on either a color imetric 
method or an electrochemical method. 

The colorimetric method depends on a glucose oxidase- 
colorimetric reaction : 


glucose + 0 2 -> gluconic acid + H 2 0 2 (catalyst: glucose oxidase) 
H 2 0 2 + dye -> product (catalyst: peroxidase) 


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As shown in the reaction, glucose reacts with oxygen and 
is oxidized to gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide in the 
presence of glucose oxidase. With the aid of peroxidase, the 
hydrogen peroxide is then reduced to water while oxydizing 
5 chromophoric oxygen receptor. This reaction result in color 
change proportional to the level of glucose in blood. 

This colorimetric method, however, requires precise care, 
because the change of the color (or intensity) depends on the 

10 degree of sample transport and sample pre-treatment , quantity 
of sample, reaction time and coloration time. In addition, 
blood coagulation or the presence of interfering materials 
(for example, uric acid, ascorbic acid, and bilirubin) may 
disturb the colorimetric analysis. 

15 Electrochemical method may avoid the above problems, 

providing high selectivity and sensitivity. For example, an 
electrochemical biosensor enables samples to be introduced 
without pre-treatment, even if the samples are turbid, and 
makes it possible to accurately analyze the level of glucose 

20 within a short period of time. 

Both colorimetric and electrochemical methods which use 
oxygen as an electron transfer mediator are called as the 
first-generation biosensor. The second-generation 

electrochemical adopt organometallic compounds (e.g., Fe, Os, 

25 Ru containing derivatives) , quinones, quinone derivatives, 
organic conducting salts or viologen as an electron transfer 
mediator. The second-generation electrochemical sensors are 
based on the reaction: 


WO 03/056345 


glucose + GOx_ F ad -> gluconic acid + GOx. FA dh2 
GOX. F ADH2 + M ox -> GOxfad + M rec r 

5 (wherein, GOx represents glucose oxidase; GOx_ FAD and GOx_ FADH 2 
represent an oxidized state and a reduced state of glucose 
oxidase, respectively; and, M ox and M re d denote the oxydized 
and reduced electron transfer mediator, respectively. ) 

10 As shown in the reaction, glucose is oxidized to 

gluconic acid by reducing G0x_ F ad to G0x_ FA dh2 • The reduced 
glucose oxidase transfers an electron (s) to the electron 
transfer mediator M ox and then returns to the initial state. 
During this reaction, the redox current thus generated is 

15 measured at the surface of the electrode. 

The electrochemical biosensor strip comprises: a) at 
least one substrate on which an electrode system (a working 
electrode, an auxiliary electrode and/or reference electrode) 

20 is printed, b) an oxidase and an electron transfer mediator 
immobilized on the electrode system, and c) a sample 
introducing part. The electrochemical biosensor strip may be 
classified into four types: (1) a flat-type biosensor in which 
a working electrode and an auxiliary electrode (or a reference 

25 electrode) are printed on the same base substrate; (2) a 
converse-type biosensor in which a working electrode and an 
auxiliary electrode are facing each other and; (3) a 
differential flat-type biosensor; and (4) a differential 


WO 03/056345 


converse-type biosensor. ' 

Most commercially available biosensors have a sample 
introducing part that might be classified as either an i-type 
5 or a horizontal line-type. 

The i-type sample introducing part comprises base 
substrate, a thin film spacer (typically, 100 - 500 jam) with 
U-shaped cut-out portion, and the cover plate with a vent hole 
for discharging the air. The vent hole may be formed at the 

10 base plate as well. This type of biosensor provides a rapid 
introduction of liquid sample through the i-type capillary, 
but suffers from the disadvantages that the amount of the 
sample introduced is not precisely controlled because the U- 
shaped channel is often over filled or under filled around the 

15 vent hole; the filling of the sample channel significantly 
depends on the fluidity of blood which varies largely with the 
hematocrit level. Another disadvantage of i-type is that 
improper handling of the strip easily contaminates the user 
with the blood squeezed through the vent hole. 


The horizontal line-type sample introducing part is 
formed by the spacer arranged to form a narrow flow channel 
crossing the strip between the base and cover substrates; the 
sample is introduced through the inlet formed on one lateral 
25 side, while an air within the space is discharged through the 
outlet formed on the other lateral side. This type of 
biosensor also suffers from the disadvantage that a sample 
should be introduced laterally, often forcing the user to 


WO 03/056345 


place the strip in an awkward position over the sampling area. 

Therefore, according to the first aspect of the present 
invention, there is provided an electrochemical biosensor 
5 equipped with a sample introducing part that enables a rapid 
introduction of a blood sample at the tip of the strip in 
accurate amount for electrochemical determination. 

Human blood contains solid particles (hematocrits) such 
10 as erythrocytes, white cells and other proteins, which can be 
separated from the plasma. These particles change the 
fluidity and electrical conductivity of blood. It is noted 
that the sample is introduced in different speed to the 
capillary channel of a biosensor strip, and the sample 
15 filling time is a function of hematocrit level. 

Therefore, according to the second aspect of present 
invention, there is provided an electrochemical biosensor 
equipped with a fluidity determining electrode that measures 
20 the sample fill-up time in the capillary, and a method to 
correct the values with respect to those at a given hematocrit 
level . 



An object of the present invention is to provide an 
electrochemical biosensor with a sample introducing part that 
enables rapid and accurate introduction of physiological 


WO 03/056345 


sample,, without any pre- treatment of a blood sample . 

Another object of the present invention is to provide an 
electrochemical biosensor equipped with a sample fluidity 
determining electrode, wherein the influences of fluidity 
5 modifying components are effectively corrected. The fluidity 
determining electrode also discriminates abnormal samples, 
such as the blood samples with unusual viscosity (too high or 
too low compared to that of normal human blood) or the 
samples containing air bubbles (US5, 284 , 658) . 


These and other objects can be accomplished by providing 
the sample introducing part comprising a sample introducing 
passage, an air discharge passage, and a void, wherein the 
sample introducing passage communicates with the air discharge 
15 passage and wherein the void is formed at the point of 
communication, and wherein the void may be utilized further to 
place a fluidity determining electrode. 



The application of the preferred embodiments of the 
present invention is best understood with reference to the 
accompanying drawings, in which like reference numerals are 
used for like and corresponding parts, wherein: 
25 Fig. 1 is an exploded perspective view, which 

illustrates an electrochemical biosensor with a sample 
introducing part according to the present invention; 

Fig. 2 is an exploded perspective view showing a flat 


WO 03/056345 


type biosensor, in accordance with a first embodiment of the 

present invention; 

Fig. 3 is an exploded perspective view showing a 

converse type biosensor, in accordance with a second 
5 embodiment of the" present invention; 

Fig. 4 is an exploded perspective view showing 

differential flat type biosensor, in accordance with a third 

embodiment of the present invention; 

Fig. 5 is an exploded perspective view showing a 
10 differential converse type biosensor, in accordance with a 

fourth embodiment of the present inventions- 
Fig. 6 is an exploded perspective view, which 

illustrates an electrochemical biosensor with a sample 

introducing part and a fluidity detection electrode according 
15 to the present invention; 

Fig. 7 is the graph that shows the influence of various 

interfering materials on a converse type glucose sensor; 
a: Glucose 

b: Glucose + Acetoaminophen (660 fxM) 
20 c: Glucose + Ascorbic acid (570 \xM) 

d: Glucose + Uric acid (916 \M) 

Fig. 8 is a graph showing a calibration curve of a 
converse type glucose sensor, for sensitivity to glucose 
standard solution; and 
25 Fig. 9 is a graph showing dynamic curves, obtained by a 

chronoamperometric method, of a converse type glucose sensor, 
for glucose standard solutions. 

Fig. 10 is a graph that illustrates the relationship 


WO 03/056345 


between the sample fluidity (as a function of time) and the 
hematocrit level . 



With reference to Fig. 1, an electrochemical biosensor 
comprises a spacer 200 and a lower substrate 400 (base) and an 
upper substrate (cover) 300 for forming the electrochemical 
sensors and sample introducing channel. Formed into one end 

10 of the spacer 200 is a sample introducing passage 101, an air 
discharge passage 102, and a void 103. Notably, the sample 
introducing passage 101 communicates with the air discharging 
passage 102 in a roughly perpendicular manner, and the void 
103 is formed at the point of communication. Taken as a whole, 

15 the sample introducing passage 101, air discharge passage 102, 
and void 103 constitute a sample introducing part 100. 

The sample introducing passage 101 is a passage capable 
of introducing the sample into the biosensor, and the air 
discharge passage 102 is a passage for air. Due to capillary 

20 action, a sample to be tested is introduced into the sample 
introducing part 100 and an air is discharged through the air 
discharge passage 102. 

The void 103 provides for the vacant position and reduces 
an air-pocket phenomenon, which often occurs at the point of 

25 communication between the sample introducing passage 101 and 
the air discharge passage 102. The occurrence of the air- 
pocket phenomenon results in inaccurate measurements such that 
the void 103 ensures accurate and reproducible sampling. 


WO 03/056345 


The ratio of the width of the air discharge passage 102 
to that of the sample introducing passage 101 is preferred to 
be no more than 1:2. The most preferable range is 1:5 to 1:2. 
A ratio below 1:2 ensures the containment of an exact amount 
5 of sample in channel 101 with minimal fill over through the 
air discharge passage 102. 

In Fig. 1, the angle of communication {§) between the 
sample introducing passage 101 and the air discharge passage 
102 is shown as 90°. But, according to another embodiment of 
10 the present invention, this angle may be varied within a 
range of from about 45° to about 135°, preferably, from about 
75° to about 105°. 

As also shown in Fig 1., the void 103 extends beyond the 
point of communication from the sample introducing passage 101. 
15 To ensure an exact amount of sampling with no bubble formation, 
hydrophilic treatment of the sample introducing passage 101 
including the void 103 is desired. 

The sample introducing part 100 of the present invention 
has a capacity to introduce 0.1-3.0 fd of a sample. More 
20 preferably, this capacity is 0.1-1.0 fd; most preferably, the 
capacity is 0.3-0.7 fd. Samples less than 0.1 fd are too small 
to give an accurate measurement within the current biosensor's 
range of error. Meanwhile, samples greater than 3.0 fd are 
excessive. In preferred embodiments, accurate measurements 
25 have been obtained with samples of just 0.5 fit. 

Pressing an organic polymer film consisting of polyester, 
polyvinyl chloride, or polycarbonate could make the 
introduction of the spacer 200 between the base and upper 


WO 03/056345 


substrate. It could be fabricated by pressing a double-sided 
adhesive film made of organic polymer, or screen-printing a 
layer of adhesive with the pattern shown in Fig. 1. 

The working principle of the sample introducing part 100 
5 is described in detail as follows. 

First, the sample is introduced to the sample 
introducing passage 101, by way of capillary action, as soon 
as the sample comes into contact with the mouth of the sample 
introducing passage 101, and the passage 101 is filled with 

10 the sample up to the void space 103. Extra sample is then 
forwarded to the air discharge passage 102. Herein, the sample 
fill-over can be minimized by controlling the ratio of the 
width of the air discharge passage 102 to that of the sample 
introducing passage 101 to less than 1:2, and the hydrophilic 

15 void 103 removes the air-pocket forming phenomenon occurring 
at the point of communication between the sample introducing 
passage 101 and the air discharge passage 102. 

According to the preferred embodiment of the present 
invention, given a 0.5 jbli sample capacity, the sample 

20 introducing part 100 fills with blood in about 200 - 2000 ms 
depending on the hematocrit level, sample storage conditions, 
and the type of anti-coagulant used. Fresh blood samples 
normally fills the 0.5 ill sampling channel in about 200 - 8 00 
ms as a function of hematocrit level. 

25 The sample introducing part 100 of the present invention 

may be applied to various types of biosensors, including a 
flat type biosensor, a converse type biosensor, a differential 
flat type biosensor, a differential converse type biosensor, 


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or a converse biosensor with fluidity determining electrode. 

Referring to Fig. 2, a flat type biosensor with the 
sample introducing part 100 of the present invention 
comprises a base substrate 400 on which an electrode system (a 
5 working electrode 104 and an reference electrode 105) are 
printed, with an oxidase and an electron transfer mediator 
immobilized on the electrode system; a sample introducing 
spacer 200 having the sample introducing part 100; and an 
upper substrate 300 for enclosing the sample introducing parts 

10 and for protecting the biosensor from foreign contaminants . 
The sample introducing part 100 may be formed as shown, but 
the present invention is satisfied as long as the sample 
introducing passage 101 communicates with the air discharge 
passage 102 and the void 103 is formed at the point of 

15 communication; the structure of the void 103 may also be 
modified as detailed above. 

In the above flat type biosensor, carbon or a conductive 
metal material may be printed or deposited on the base 
substrate 400 by means of, for example, screen-printing, 

20 plasma deposition, or etching to form the working electrode 
104 and the reference electrode 105. The two electrodes are 
formed symmetrically and extend lengthwise on the base 400. 
After the electrode portion is thus constructed, an oxidase 
and an electron transfer mediator are spread onto the 

25 electrodes. 

Except electrode connecting portion, the base substrate 
400 is adheres to the sample introducing spacer 200 using an 
adhesive. The sample introducing spacer 200 is preferably made 


WO 03/056345 


of insulating polymer, but not limited thereto. The base 
substrate 400 and the upper substrate 300 are fixed using 
adhesives or a double-sided adhesive tape. Using similar 
adhesive means, the fabrication of the biosensor may be 
5 completed by pressing the upper substrate 300, serving as a 
cover, onto the sample introducing spacer 200. 

Fig. 3 illustrates a converse type biosensor with a 
sample introducing part 100, characterized in that a base 

10 substrate 400' on which a working electrode 104' and an 
electrode connector 106 are printed, and an oxidase and an 
electron transfer mediator are immobilized on the working 
electrode 104' ; a sample introducing spacer 200' having the 
sample introducing part 100; and an upper substrate 300' on 

15 the bottom side of which an reference electrode 105, and an 
electrode connector 106 are printed. The sample introducing 
part 100 may be formed as shown, but the present invention is 
satisfied as long as the sample introducing passage 101 
communicates with the air discharge passage 102 and the void 

20 103 is formed at the point of communication; the structure of 
the void 103 may also be modified as detailed above. 

The fabrication of the converse type biosensor with the 
sample introducing part 100 can be accomplished in the same 
manner as the flat type biosensor with the sample introducing 

25 part 100. 

As shown in Fig. 4, a differential flat type biosensor 
comprises a base substrate 400a on both surfaces of which a 
working electrode 104 and an reference electrode 105 are 


WO 03/056345 


printed and an oxidase and an electron transfer mediator are 
provided; a pair of sample introducing spacers 200a and .200b, 
each having a sample introducing part 100 , respectively fixed 
to upper and lower surfaces of the base substrate 400a; and a 
5 pair of cover plates 300a and 300b respectively fixed to outer 
surfaces of the sample introducing spacers 200a and 200b. The 
sample introducing part 100 may be formed as shown, but the 
present invention is satisfied as long as the sample 
introducing passage 101 communicates with the air discharge 

10 passage 102 and the void 103 is formed at the point of 
communication; the structure of the void 103 may also be 
modified as detailed above. 

As shown in Fig. 5, a differential converse type 
biosensor comprises a base substrate 400b on both surfaces of 

15 which a working electrode 104 and an electrode connector 106 
are printed and an oxidase and an electron transfer mediator 
are provided; a pair of sample introducing spacers 200a' and 
200b' , each having a sample introducing substrate 100, 
respectively fixed to upper and lower surfaces of the base 

20 substrate 400b; and a pair of cover plates 300a' and 300b' , 
respectively fixed to outer surfaces of the sample introducing 
spacers 200a' and 200b' , on inner sides of which an reference 
electrode 105' , and an electrode connector 106 are printed. 
The sample introducing part 100 may be formed as shown, but 

25 the present invention is satisfied as long as the sample 
introducing passage 101 communicates with the air discharge 
passage 102 and the void 103 is formed at the point of 
communication; the structure of the void 103 may also be 


WO 03/056345 


modified as detailed above. 

As shown in Fig. 6, illustrated is a converse type 
biosensor with sample fluidity determining capacity, 
characterized in that a base substrate 400' on which a working 
5 electrode 104', an electrode connector 106, and fluidity 
determining electrode 107 are printed, and an oxidase and an 
electron transfer mediator are immobilized on the working 
electrode 104' ; a sample introducing spacer 200' having the 
sample introducing part 100; and an upper substrate 300' on 

10 the bottom side of which an reference electrode 105' , and an 
electrode connector 106 are printed. The sample introducing 
part 100 may be formed as shown, but the present invention is 
satisfied as long as the sample introducing passage 101 
communicates with the air discharge passage 102 and the void 

15 103 is formed at the point of communication; the structure of 
the void 103 may also be modified as detailed above. The 
fluidity of a sample is determined as a function of sample 
filling speed between the first contact point of electrode 
105' near the sample introducing mouth and the fluidity 

20 determining electrode 107 which is located either at the void 
103 or at the air discharge passage 102. 

The substrates of any of the base plates or cover plates 
for use in the biosensors described above may be made of 
25 ceramic, glass, or polymeric materials, with a preference for 
an organic polymer of polyester, polyvinyl chloride, or 
polycarbonate . 

The fabrication of the electrodes, such as the reference 


WO 03/056345 


electrodes, working electrodes, and reference electrodes, may 
be achieved using a conductive material, e.g., silver epoxy, 
silver/silver chloride, carbon, redox couples, or a modified 
conductive carbon paste containing a resin binder. These 
5 materials may be formed into reference, counter, and working 
electrodes by a screen-printing method, a vapor deposition 
method followed by etching, or an adhesion of a conductive 
tape . 

The above-described biosensors with the sample 

10 introducing part 100 have several advantages. 

(1) The air-pocket phenomenon, occurring at the point of 
communication between the sample introducing passage and air 
discharge passage, is eliminated while the sample is rapidly 
introduced into the biosensor. 

15 (2) As the sample introducing part 100 is well enclosed 

by the narrow mouth and air discharge passage, the biosensors 
of the present invention maintain a consistent sample 
concentration with minimal evaporation, thus improving 
analytical reproducibility. In addition, the sample is better 

20 contained with the present invention than other types of 
sample introducing schemes when the strips are adapted to and 
removed from instruments, thereby considerably reducing the 
possibility of contamination. 

(3) The biosensors equipped with the sample introducing 

25 part 100, in which the sample introducing passage and air 
discharge passage communicate in a roughly perpendicular 
manner, are capable of rapidly introducing a predetermined 
amount of sampled blood and increasing accuracy and 


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reproducibility. This is in contrast to the conventional i- 
type biosensor. 

(4) The present invention allows easier blood sampling 
through the tip of the biosensor when it is applied to body 
5 parts. 

The electron transfer mediator provided for the working 
electrode may employ ferrocene or its derivatives, quinone or 
its derivatives, organic conducting salts, or viologen. 
Preferably, the electron transfer mediator is a mixed-valence 

10 compound capable of forming redox couples, including 
hexaamineruthenium (III) chloride, potassium f erricyanide, 
potassium f errocyanide, dimethyl ferrocene, f erricinium, 
ferocene-monocarboxylic acid, 7,7,8,8- 

tetracyanoquinodimethane, tetrathiaf ulvalene, nickelocene, N- 

15 methylacidinium, tetrathiatetracene, N-methylphenazinium, 
hydroquinone, 3-dimethylaminobenzoic acid, 3-methyl-2- 
benzothiozolinone hydrazone, 2-methoxy-4-allylphenol , 4- 
aminoantipyrin , dimethylaniline , 4-aminoant ipyrene , 4 - 
methoxynaphthol, 3, 3' , 5, 5' -tetramethylbenzidine , 2, 2-azino- 

20 di- [3-ethylbenzthiazoline sulfonate], o-dianisidine, o- 
toluidine, 2, 4-dichloro phenol, 4 -aminophena zone , benzidine, 
and Prussian blue. Of those, hexaamineruthenium (III) 
chloride is a preferred mediator for the proposed biosensor 
system, since it satisfies several conditions: (1) both an 

25 oxidized and a reduced states thereof in aqueous solution are 
stable and reversible; (2) the reduced electron transfer 
mediator is non-reactive to oxygen; (3) its formal potential 
is low enough to minimize the influence of interfering 


WO 03/056345 


materials such as ascorbic acid, uric acid, and 
acetaminophen; (4) the oxidation of the reduced electron 
transfer mediator is not sensitive to pH; and (5) it does not 
react with electrochemically interfering materials, such as 
5 ascorbic acid, acetaminophen, and uric acid. 

Herein, it should be understood that the present 
invention, although described for biosensors for analysis of 
blood glucose levels, can introduce appropriate enzymes and 
electron transfer mediators to the electrode system so that a 

10 variety of samples, including bio-materials, such as 
metabolites, e.g., cholesterol, lactate, creatinine, proteins, 
hydrogen peroxide, alcohols, amino acids, and enzymes, e.g., 
GPT (glutamate pyruvate transaminase) and GOT (glutamate 
oxaloacetate transaminase) , environmental materials, 

15 agricultural and industrial materials, and food materials can 
be quantitatively analyzed. For instance, cholesterol, 

lactate, glutamate, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol can be 
quantitatively analyzed using glucose oxidase, lactate 
oxidase, cholesterol oxidase, glutamate oxidase, horseradish 

20 peroxidase, or alcohol oxidase, respectively. 

A better understanding of the present invention may be 
obtained in light of the following examples which are set 
forth to illustrate, but are not to be construed to limit the 
present invention . 


Example 1: Fabrication of a Flat type Biosensor 

Conductive carbon paste was screen-printed to form a 
symmetrical pattern on a polyester base plate 400 to give 


WO 03/056345 


working electrode 104 and a reference electrode (or reference 
electrode) 105. The interval between the two electrodes is 
125 \im. A curing of the printed electrodes at 14 0 °C for five 
minutes yielded a single electrode body for a flat type 
biosensor . 

Thereafter, the sample introducing part 100, comprising 
the sample introducing passage 101, air discharge passage 102, 
and void 103 formed therein, was fixed by pressing double- 
sided tape made of polyester. The sample introducing passage 
101 communicates perpendicularly with the air discharge 
passage 102, and the ratio of the width of the air discharge 
passage 102 to that of the sample introducing passage 101 was 
controlled to be 1:2. The void 103 was formed to extend 
beyond the sample introducing passage 101. The total amount of 
sampled blood within the sample introducing part 100 was 0.5 

The frame for the biosensor was prepared by inserting to 
each polyester base plate 400 and by pressing double-sided 
tape made of polyester as a sample introducing spacer 200 
having the sample introducing part 100. A solution 

containing 0.015 mg of hexaamineruthenium (III) chloride, 
0.015 mg of a dispersant (carboxymethylcellulose) , 0.01 mg of 
a surfactant (Triton X-100) , and 40 mg of glucose oxidase was 
applied to the electrodes for forming the biosensor, and the 
resultant deposit was allowed to dry for thirty minutes at 

Pressing a cover plate 300 onto the sample introducing 
spacer 200 completed the flat type biosensor of Fig. 2. 


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Example 2: Fabrication of a converse type Biosensor 

As shown in Fig. 3, a working electrode 104' and an 
5 electrode connector 106 were screen-printed with conductive 
carbon paste, and a curing was carried out at 14 0°C for five 
minutes. Then, a circuit connector was screen-printed with 
the silver paste on one end of the electrode connector 106. 
The cover plate with the printed electrode as a reference 

10 (auxiliary) electrode 105' was screen-printed with carbon 
paste and was cured. Finally, the biosensor was fabricated 
such that the end of the reference electrode 105' was screen- 
printed with silver paste to be the circuit connector. 

The sample introducing spacer 200' comprising the sample 

15 introducing passage 101, air discharge passage 102, and void 
103 was placed on the base substrate by pressing double-sided 
tape made of polyester. The ratio of the width of the air 
discharge passage 102 to that of the sample introducing 
passage 101 was 1:4, and the total amount of sampled blood 

20 within the sample introducing part 100 was adjusted to 0 . 5 f/Jt. 

A 1 ml solution containing 0.015 mg of 
hexaamineruthenium (III) chloride, 0.015 mg of a dispersant 
(carboxymethylcellulose) , 0.01 mg of a surfactant (Triton X- 
100) , and 40 mg of glucose oxidase was applied to the 

25 electrodes forming the biosensor, and the reaction layer was 
allowed to dry for thirty minutes at 4 5°C. 

Pressing the cover plate 300' onto the sample 
introducing spacer 200' , so as to connect with the circuit 


WO 03/056345 


connector of the base substrate 400' , completed the biosensor 
shown in Fig. 3. 

Example 3: Fabrication of a Differential Flat type Glucose 
5 Sensor 

The differential flat type glucose sensor was prepared 
in the same manner as in Example 1. As shown in Fig. 4, the 
differential flat type biosensor was fabricated by providing 
10 a small amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the 
differential working electrode 104 of the base substrate 400a, 
instead of the hexaamineruthenium (III) chloride and glucose 
oxidase used in Example 1, and by pressing the cover plates 
300a and 300b. 


Example 4: Fabrication of a Differential Converse Type 

The differential converse type glucose sensor was 
20 prepared in the same manner as in Example 2. As shown in Fig. 
5, the differential converse type biosensor was fabricated by 
providing a small amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the 
differential working electrode 104' of the base substrate 400b, 
instead of hexaamineruthenium (III) chloride and glucose 
25 oxidase used in Example 1, and by pressing the cover plates 
300a' and 300b' . 

Example 5: Fabrication of Biosensor with Fluidity Determining 


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The biosensor with fluidity determining electrode was 
the converse type biosensor prepared in the same manner as in 
5 Example 2 except the use of fluidity determining electrode 
107; as illustrated in Fig. 6, it was screen-printed with the 
same carbon paste. The tip of the fluidity- determining 
electrode was placed at the void 103 of the sample 
introducing part. 


Experimental Example 1: Influence of Interfering Materials on 
a Converse Type Glucose Sensor 

Figure 7 shows the total response currents to phosphate 
15 buffer (pH 7.4) standard solutions containing 177 mg/dL of 
glucose and interfering materials whose concentrations are 
five times higher than the maximum clinical levels (e.g., 
ascorbic acid 570 \M f acetaminophen 660 \xM r and uric acid 916 
|iM) . The total response currents were measured by reading the 
20 chronoamperometric response 5 seconds after applying the +0.2 
V potential to the working electrode 104' (vs. reference 
electrode 105' ) . Samples were introduced into the sample 
introducing part 100 of the biosensor fabricated as depicted 
in Example 2, and their mean volume was 0.5 |iL . Histograms in 
25 Fig. 7 show that the sensors are affected insignificantly by 
the presence of interfering materials at an applied potential 
of +0.2 V. 


WO 03/056345 


Experimental Example 2: Calibration Curve of a Converse type 
Glucose Sensor to Glucose Standard Solutions 

The converse type glucose sensor prepared in Example 2 
5 was assayed for sensitivity with glucose standard solutions. 
The calibration curve thus obtained is depicted in Fig. 8. 
In this regard, current values were measured ten times at 
each concentration under the electrical field of an applied 
potential of 0.2 V with respect to the reference electrode. 

10 The amount of samples applied to the sample introducing part 
was 0.5 ill and the filling time was no more than 200 ms . The 
measurements were performed 2 s after introducing the sample 
by applying 0.2 V for three seconds, and the current values 
were read in five seconds . The dynamic curves thus obtained 

15 are depicted in Fig. 9, wherein the respective curves show 
glucose concentrations of Omg/dL (curve a), 50mg/dL (curve b) , 
150mg/dL (curve c) , 30 Omg/dL (curve d) , 450 mg/dL (curve e) , 
and 60 Omg/dL (curve f ) . 

Demonstrating that the converse type glucose sensor of 

20 the present invention is reliable, the curve was evaluated 
and shown to have a slope ( |aA per mg/dL) of 0.093 and 
linearity as high as 0.997. 

Experimental Example 3: Measurement of the Blood Fluidity 


The biosensor equipped with fluidity determining 
electrode was prepared as described in Example 5. 200 mV of 
potential was applied to the working electrode 104' and the 


WO 03/056345 


fluidity determining electrode 107 (vs. the reference 
electrode 105' ) . When blood samples are introduced through the 
sample introducing passage 101, a sudden change in current is 
detected, and the time measurement begins. As soon as the 
5 sample reaches the void 103, the second surge of current is 
detected and the time interval between the first and second 
surge of current is recorded. The relationship between the 
sample introducing time and hematocrit level is shown in Fig. 
10. The experiment was performed with the NaF treated whole 

10 blood containing 180 mg/dL of glucose and varying level of 
hematocrit. The fitting equation obtained was Y = -72.23 + 
0.58691X - 0. 00084073 X 2 - 1.1211xl0" 6 X 3 + 5.7521xl0" 9 X 4 - 
9 . 1172xl0" 12 X 5 , where Y is the estimated hematocrit level from 
the sample filling time X measured with the fluidity 

15 determining electrode. Table 1 shows the level of hematocrit 
estimated from the speed of sample filling time. 

Table 1. Hematocrit level estimated from the sample filling 
time of the biosensor prepared in Example 5. 


Hematocrit (%) 
Prepared sample 

Speed (ms) 

Hematocrit (%) 

30 % 


30.3 % 

35 % 


32.8 % 

40 % 


41.8 % 

45 % 


44.0 % 

50 % 


50.1 % 

55 % 


54.7 % 


WO 03/056345 


In a separate experiment, calibration curves were 

obtained with the whole blood at various hematocrit levels 

and the relationship between the hematocrit level and the 

5 response slopes was formulated (Table 2) . 


Equation (y = current x = glucose) 

30 % 

y = 0.035934 x - 1.7228 

35 % 

y = 0.030559 x - 1.31815 

40 % 

y = 0.025831 x - 1.0137 

45 % 

y = 0.021752 x - 0.80945 

50 % 

y = 0.018322 x - 0.7054 

55 % 

y = 0.015539 x - 0.70155 

The correction factors derived in this manner were used 
to recalibrate the measured glucose level with respect to the 

10 whole blood having 40 % hematocrit level, resulting in the 
biosensors that provide hematocrit independent glucose 
concentrations. The meter reads the speed of sample 
introduction first and determines the level of hematocrit in 
the blood sample, looks up the table that provides the 

15 corresponding calibration curves, and determines the level of 
glucose from the measured currents. Table 3 shows the results 
of the experiment carried out as outlined. It is seen that 
the hematocrit level correction provides the glucose levels 
close to those obtained with YSI 2300. 


WO 03/056345 


Table 3. Glucose concentration in whole blood; the sample 
introducing speed measured with the fluidity determining 
electrode and the calibration curve in Table 2 were used to 
5 estimate the glucose level in whole blood. 

Hematocrit % 

y > 1 LA V ' \S i»_> v 

YSI2300 (mg/dL) 

corrected (mg/dL) 

30 % 







35 % 







40 % 







45 % 







50 % 







55 % 







The fluidity determining electrode also discriminate the 


WO 03/056345 


blood samples of unusual fluidity, i.e., samples with too 
high or too low hematocrit levels and the fouled introduction 
of blood samples due to the formation of air bubble. In such 
cases a measuring device may be programmed to issue a warning 
5 message or error code for the measurement. 


WO 03/056345 


What is claimed is: 

1. An electrochemical biosensor with a sample 
introducing part, the sample introducing part comprising a 
sample introducing passage, an air discharge passage, and a 
void, wherein the sample introducing passage communicates with 
the air discharge passage and wherein the void is formed at 
the point of communication. 

2. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the ratio of the width of the air discharge passage to 
that of the sample introducing passage is no more than 1:2. 

3. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the ratio of the width of the air discharge passage to 
that of the sample introducing passage is in the range of 1:5 
to 1:2. 

4. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the sample introducing part has a capacity to 
introduce 0.1-3.0 fd of a sample. 

5. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the sample introducing part has a capacity to 
introduce 0.1-1.0 jut of a sample. 

6. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the sample introducing part has a capacity to 


WO 03/056345 


introduce 0 . 3-0 .1 {d of a sample. 

7. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the sample introducing passage communicates with the 

5 air discharge passage at an angle of 45-135°. 

8. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the sample introducing passage communicates with the 
air discharge passage at an angle of 75-105°. 


9. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the sample introducing passage communicates with the 
air discharge passage at an angle of 90°. 

15 10. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 

further comprising an oxidase selected from the group 
consisting of glucose oxidase, lactate oxidase, cholesterol 
oxidase, glutamate oxidase, horseradish peroxidase, and 
alcohol oxidase. 


11. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
further comprising an electron transfer mediator selected from 
the group consisting of hexaamineruthenium (III) chloride, 
potassium f erricyanide, potassium f errocyanide, 

25 dimethyl ferrocene, ferricinium, f erocene-monocarboxylic acid, 
7,7,8, 8-tetracyanoquinodimethane, tetrathiaf ulvalene, 

nickelocene, N-methylacidinium, tetrathiatetracene, N- 
methylphenazinium, hydroquinone, 3-dimethylaminobenzoic acid, 


WO 03/056345 


3- methyl-2-benzothiozolinone hydrazone, 2 -methoxy- 4 ~ 
allylphenol, 4-aminoantipyrin, dimethylaniline, 4- 
aminoantipyrene, 4 -met hoxynaphthol r 3, 3' ,5,5'- 
tetramethylbenzidine, 2 , 2-azino-di- [ 3-ethylbenzthiazoline 
sulfonate], o-dianisidine, o-toluidine, 2,4-dichloro phenol, 

4- aminophenazone, benzidine and Prussian blue. 

12. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 11, 
wherein the electron transfer mediator is hexaamineruthenium 
(III) chloride. 

13. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the biosensor is a flat type biosensor and further 
comprises : 

a sample introducing spacer; 

a base substrate, coupled to said sample introducing 
spacer, on a surface of which a working electrode and a 
reference electrode are printed and an oxidase and an electron 
transfer mediator are provided; and 

a cover plate, pressed to said sample introducing spacer, 
for forming the sample introducing channel, 

wherein the sample introducing part is formed in one end 
of said sample introducing spacer. 

14. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the biosensor is a converse type biosensor and further 
comprises : 

a sample introducing spacer; 


WO 03/056345 


a base plate, coupled with said sample introducing spacer, 
on a surface of which a working electrode and an electrode 
connector are printed and an oxidase and an electron transfer 
mediator are provided; and 

a cover plate, pressed to said sample introducing spacer, 
on inner surface of which a reference electrode and an 
electrode connector are printed, 

wherein the sample introducing part is formed in one end 
of said sample introducing spacer. 

15. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the biosensor is a differential flat type biosensor 
and further comprises: 

a pair of sample introducing spacers; 

a base plate, coupled between said sample introducing 
spacers, on both surfaces of which a pair of working and 
reference electrodes are printed, respectively, and an oxidase 
and an electron transfer mediator on one side, and BSA and an 
electron transfer mediator on the other side are provided, 
respectively; and 

a pair of cover plates are pressed to both surfaces of 
said sample introducing spacers for forming the sample 
introducing channels , 

wherein the sample introducing parts are formed in one 
end of each of said sample introducing spacers. 

16. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 
wherein the biosensor is a differential converse type 


WO 03/056345 


biosensor and further comprises: 

a pair of sample introducing spacers; 

a base plate, coupled between said sample introducing 
spacers, on both surfaces of which a working electrode is 
5 printed, respectively, and an oxidase and an electron transfer 
mediator on one side, and BSA and an electron transfer 
mediator on the other side are provided, respectively; and 

a pair of cover plates having reference electrode and 
electrode connection part on inner surface are pressed to both 
10 said sample introducing spacers to form the sample introducing 

wherein the sample introducing parts are formed in one 
end of each of said sample introducing spacers. 

15 '17. The electrochemical biosensor according to claim 1, 

wherein the biosensor is a converse type biosensor and further 
comprises : 

a sample introducing spacer; 
a base plate, coupled with said sample introducing spacer, 
20 on a surface of which a working electrode and an electrode 
connector, and a fluidity determining electrode are printed, 
and an oxidase and an electron transfer mediator are provided; 

a cover plate, pressed to said sample introducing spacer, 
25 on inner surface of which a reference electrode and an 
electrode connector are printed, 

wherein the sample introducing part is formed in one end 
of said sample introducing spacer. 


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FIG. 1 

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FIG. 2 

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FIG. 3 

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FIG. 5 

^105' 106 

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FIG. 7 



% 6 



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FIG. 9 

| i i i i | i i i i | i m — | i / 7 / i t i t t | i i 
0 1 2 3 4 5 


WO 03/056345 


FIG. 10 



B 1200 

£ 1000- 
200 -I 

n — r 



n — r 


— i — 1 — r~ 

40 44 
Hematocrit „ % 

n — r 


52 56 

n — r 



' WFternational application No. 


IPC7 G01N 35/10 

According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC 

Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) — — - 
IPC7G01N 33/48, G01N 27/16, C12Q 1/54 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched 

Korean Patents and applications for inventions since 1975, Korean Utility models and applications for Utility models since 1975 
Japanese Utility models and application for Utility models since 1975 

Electronic data base consulted during the intertnational search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) 



Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 


US 5,798,031 A (Steven C. Charlton) Aug.25, 1998 
- see the whole document - 



US 5,562,770 A(GJohn Pritchard) Jun.9, 1998 
- see the whole document - 



US 6,270,637 Bl(William RCrismore) Aug.7, 2001 
- see the whole document - 



WO 97/02487 Al (BOEHRINGER MANNHEIM Corp) Jan.23, 1997 
- see the whole document - 


| ] Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. 


See patent family annex. 



Special categories of cited documents: " "j" 

document defining the general state of the art which is not considered 
to be of particular relevence 

earlier application or patent but published on or after the international »x n 
filing date 

document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is 

cited to establish the publication date of citation or other "y" 

special reason (as specified) 

document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other 

document published prior to the international filing date but later »&» 
than the priority date claimed 

later document published after the international filing date or priority 
date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand 
the principle or theory underlying the invention 
document of particular relevence; the claimed invention cannot be 
considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive 
step when the document is taken alone 

document of particular relevence; the claimed invention cannot be 
considered to involve an inventive step when the document is 
combined with one or more other such documents, such combination 
being obvious to a person skilled in the art 
document member of the same patent family 

Date of the actual completion of the international search 
19 SEPTEMBER 2002 (19.09.2002) 

Date of mailing of the international search report 
19 SEPTEMBER 2002 (19.09.2002) 

Name and mailing address of the ISA/KR 

jgP|^ Korean Intellectual Property Office 

m ^;W't 920 Dunsan-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon 302-701, 

^Ljg Republic of Korea 

Facsimile No. 82-42-472-7 1 40 

Authorized officer ^^^^ ^ 

JOO ; Young Sik \ • , 
Telephone No. 82-42-481-5995 " ^ ^-^j* 

Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1998)